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Educational Programs at the FDR Presidential Library
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum's Education Department staff conducts educational programs designed for K-12, college and university students, adult learners, and the general public. These programs include classroom workshops, Museum programs, teacher development seminars, and outreach. Teachers can sharpen their skills by attending a variety of professional development workshops that draw on the rich resources and knowledgeable staff at the FDR Library and Museum.
View MoreWe Rule: Civics for All of US
We Rule: Civics for All of US is a new education initiative from the National Archives that promotes civic literacy and engagement. We're providing teachers with programming, curricula, and exceptional field trip experiences both online and at our locations across the country.
View MoreCurriculum Hubs
With the support of AT&T and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Audio and Video Preservation Lab, the Roosevelt Library is pleased to present two new Roosevelt Curriculum Hubs that will allow teachers to bring two of the most influential people of the 20th century into classrooms of the 21 century with a focus and clarity never before seen. Each speech will have a short curriculum package, including copies of historic documents and photographs, lesson plans and classroom activities for teachers to use with their students to delve more deeply into the topics the Roosevelts were addressing.
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Curriculum Guides
Comprehensive curriculum guides are available to introduce students to key topics of the Roosevelt era. Using primary source documents, photographs, and accompanied by study questions and other resources from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library archives, the guides are designed for use by teachers of civics, citizenship, government, economics, geography, fine arts, history, writing and journalism. The curriculum guides can be effectively used by students from 3rd to 12th grade.
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Document Based Research
Most students are required to answer document based questions in their tests and assignments at school. Learn more about using primary sources for research.
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Teaching NYS Standards
The New York State Department of Education has adopted five Social Studies Standards, these are: History of the United States and New York; World History; Geography; Economics; and Civics, Citizenship, and Government. Here, each standard has been matched to an event and document making an interesting and informative starting point for developing a case study. This section includes downloadable images of archival documents for use with student research or classroom activities.
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