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Create a Time Capsule
Create a record that will inform future generations how we lived, and what we experienced today. CATEGORY: Research, Current Events, Writing. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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Tree at My Window
Find out about the trees, shrubs and flowers that grow in your yard. CATEGORY: Science, English Language Arts, History, Research. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30 to 90 minutes.
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Who’s in Your Family Tree
Knowing about those who came before us can give us a great deal of information about where we might want to go in the future. CATEGORY: Research, Writing, Interview Skills. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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Roosevelts Math Challenge
Uncover the mathematical side of historic issues and events. CATEGORY: Math, Research. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-45 minutes.
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“My Day” Activity
When practicing “social distancing” physically, it is important that we face how we’re feeling head-on and maintain social contact with our friends and relatives. CATEGORY: Language Arts, Current Events, Writing. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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Birds at My Window
Today is the day you can start to find out about the birds that live in or visit your yard. CATEGORY: Science, English Language Arts, History, Research. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30 to 90 minutes.
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Create a Propaganda Poster
Posters are an eye-catching way to convey important information quickly and easily. CATEGORY: Visual Arts, Research, Current Events, Writing. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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A Few Words from FDR
When we are practicing “social distancing,” it is important to know that we are not truly alone. The words of our leaders, past and present, can lift our spirits and unite us in the common challenges we are facing. CATEGORY: Language Arts, Current Events, Writing, Research. GRADE LEVEL: Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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A Few Words from Eleanor
When we are practicing “social distancing,” it is important to know that we are not truly alone. The words of our leaders, past and present, can lift our spirits and unite us in the common challenges we are facing. CATEGORY: Language Arts, Current Events, Writing, Research. GRADE LEVEL: Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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For The Love of Books
What books do you have in your collection and what does that say about who you are? CATEGORY: Reading, History, Art, Math, Research, Writing. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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Presidential Pet
Pets bring us comfort and help us cope in difficult times, they also teach us about empathy and responsibility. CATEGORY: Research, Current Events, Writing. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes.
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Presidential Hobbies
Hobbies help us to develop this skill by allowing us to give our minds a rest by focusing on things that are interesting and fun for us. When we are able to do this for a while, we can return to the more pressing matters in our lives refreshed and with new perspective and focus. CATEGORY: Research, Current Events, Writing. GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle and High School. SUGGESTED TIME: 30-60 minutes each section.
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