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What can you do with the next 100 days
Action and Action Now - Planning FDR’s First 100 Days
Franklin Roosevelt became President on March 4, 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression and his first 100 Days proved the busiest and most successful legislative period in US history.
What do you plan to accomplish in the roughly 100 days of summer?
Summer can go pretty fast so you have to be sure to make the most of every single day. Start planning now so you don’t waste a minute of that precious sunshine!
- Where do you want to go?
- What movies do you want to see?
- What friends will you get together with?
- What goals do you want to achieve?
- If you haven’t made any plans for the summer - what are you waiting for?
Download the official certificate to keep track of your achievements.
Share With Us:
Post a photo of yourself accomplishing one of your top summer goals or activities with the hashtag #fdrsummer (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook) so we can celebrate your achievements with you.